#G2PT121 – 121º Geek Girls Portugal – Coimbra

Our upcoming in-person meetup will take place at Present Technologies in Coimbra, on November 22!

This event will center around the theme of slow work. Are you Curious?

Our speakerMaria João Silvestre is director of Human resources in an IT company. She is passionate about slow movement. She is pursuing a PhD about wellbeing in the workplace. The theme of her research is about slow work, and it is also the theme of her talk.

We hope that you feel inspired to hear our speaker and participate in our event.

As always, the registration is free but with limited places. So, don’t miss your spot!


18:30 – Welcome & Check In Attendees

18:45 – Geek Girls Welcoming Presentation & Present Technologies (Rita Mendes)

19:00 – Can (Slow) work lead us to Human Sustainability? – Maria João Silvestre

19:45 – Visiting the company with Rita Mendes / Networking

20:00 – Closing

